Woolooware High School

Strive for Excellence

Telephone02 9523 6752


Current Year 7 to Year 12

How to Enrol

In Area 

Apply online if you are an Australian or New Zealand citizen or permanent resident and you are eligible to complete the online enrolment application. You will also need to upload in your application:

  • Birth Certificate or Passport to confirm student's identity
  • 100-point residential address  to verfiy the student resides within our intake area. Valid documents
  • Student's last two school reports
  • Latest NAPLAN results

When we receive all the above information from you our Deputy Principal will review your application and will contact you.

For more information, visit high school enrolment.

Once you have completed your online application you will receive an Application confirmation via email. Original documents must be sighted to complete this application process.

Out of Area

Apply online if you are an Australian or New Zealand citizen or permanent resident and you are eligible to complete the online enrolment application. You will also need to email us the following documents:

  • Birth Certificate or Passport to confirm student's identity
  • Documents  to verfiy the student residential address Valid documents
  • Student's last two school reports
  • Latest NAPLAN results

When we receive all the above information from you our Deputy Principal will review your application and will contact you.

For more information, visit high school enrolment.

Once you have completed your online application you will receive an Out-of-Area Application confirmation via email. Original documents must be sighted to complete this application process.