Woolooware High School

Strive for Excellence

Telephone02 9523 6752


Our vision

Woolooware High School is a high performing, co-educational, comprehensive public high school in the Sutherland Shire that offers quality education for young people that ensures their success in the future across a range of abilities and talents.

Woolooware High School staff and students work in partnership to create a stimulating, disciplined, caring environment that encourages all students to pursue excellence in learning, sport and performing arts to achieve their personal best and become effective, responsible global citizens.

As Principal of Woolooware High School, it is an honour to work with a dedicated team of students who are determined to serve the needs of their school and make a significant contribution. This team’s individual talents and abilities and their shared purpose to create a school ‘that encourages everyone to connect’ and belong creates weekly leadership meetings that are both purposeful and inspiring. Simply put, these students provide the purpose behind our practice.

To demonstrate this, our leaders have spoken at each formal event already this year, either in person or via a filmed message. They have contributed to our communities ‘Walk for Respectful Relationships’

We are truly a team that are focused on serving the needs of our school, ensuring that ‘every student, every teacher and every leader, and every school improves every year’.

Ms M Benson