Woolooware High School

Strive for Excellence

Telephone02 9523 6752


Key contacts

First Point of Contact

Woolooware High School students are encouraged to build agency and make first contact with teachers.

If parents/carers feel that they need to make contact on the their child's behalf, they are to refer to the table below so communication can be directed appropriately and effectively.

Parents/carers can email the school's email address and attention to the specific staff member or make a phone call. When calling or emailing please provdie the reason for contact as enquiries that do not give a reason will not be able to be prioritised.
All communication with our staff team must always be respectful.

Staff Role Reason for Communitcation
Administration Office Support with Parent Portal, finances, general questions, seeking advice about the best staff member to speak to.
Class Teacher Anything pertaining to the individual subject or class. This includes classwork, assessments, and general class enquiries.
Faculty Head Teacher If a parent/carer has worked with their child’s classroom teacher and feels an issue requires further clarification or attention.
Year Advisors First point of contact regarding student welfare matters. Year Advisers can also assist in concerns with overall engagement.
Sport Organiser
Can assist with matters relating to Thursday afternoon sport and school representative sport.
Head Teacher Welfare Can assist with matters related to student welfare issues that are concerning.
Head Teacher Inclusive Education

First point of contact for parents, offering support, guidance and information on student needs, accommodations and learning strategies.

Careers Advisor Support with transition to work/further education, work experience, school-based apprenticeships, university applications, etc.
Learning Support Team If a parent feels that their child needs support due to individualised learning needs or currently receives support from the Learning Support Team.
Technical Support Officer Laptop/device technology help, assistance with logins, etc.
Deputy Principals Can assist with general matters regarding curriculum and administration.


Principal Ms M Benson
Deputy Principal (Years 7, 9, 11) Mr M Mitchell
Deputy Principal (Years 8, 10, 12) Mrs N Hill

Faculty Head Teachers

English Mrs J Mountakis
Mathematics Mr S Donaghy (Rel)
Science Mr W Plowman
Social Sciences / History Mr G Jacob
Technology and Applied Studies (TAS) Mr L George (Rel)
Administration Mrs K Morton
PD/Health/PE Mrs S Smith
Creative Arts Mrs L Cox
Teaching & Learning Ms J Holliday
Inclusive Education Mr A Blom
Welfare Ms J Jospe

Specialist Areas

Learning Support Mrs K Morton
Teacher Librarian Mr J Whitaker
Careers Adviser Ms R Desrets
School Counsellors Ms Reid
Ms Scales
Student Support Officer Mrs A Moore
Sports Organiser Mr A Tyne
School Administrative & Support Staff Mrs D Luchi

Year Advisers

Year 7

Mr V Varikos

Mrs B Jones

Year 8

Ms S Carroll

Mrs K Porteous

Year 9

Mrs J Petrakis

Mr M Samuel

Year 10

Mr D Morris

Mrs A Johnston

Year 11

Mr J Whitaker

Ms T Stamenkovic

Year 12

Mr M Depena

Mr R Chapman