Woolooware High School

Strive for Excellence

Telephone02 9523 6752


Welfare team

'Wellbeing for schools sets out to enable students to be healthy, happy, engaged and successful'

Our Welfare team is made up of teachers from across the school, who work together with parents to ensure the wellbeing of our students.

The team consists of

  • Deputy Principals, who are each responsible for 3 year groups
  • Welfare Head Teacher
  • 12 Year Advisors – 2 for each year group who care for their year from Year 7-12
  • School counsellor who is available to students through self referral, teacher or parent referral
  • School chaplain who is available to students 2 days a week
  • The Welfare Team meets once a fortnight to support and plan for student development. The Welfare Team also works closely with the Wellbeing Team to develop programs that are tailored to meet the needs of specific year groups, to ensure that our students grow to be resilient and confident young men and women.