In 2022, Woolooware High School established a formal partnership with Taren Point Public School, endorsed by the Department of Education. This collaboration enabled Woolooware High School to continue the French Immersion Program pioneered by Taren Point Public School, developing a tailored pathway for native French speakers to engage in an enriched curriculum.
In 2025, this new French Language Immersion Program for native French speaker students will officially commence.
Program Overview

What will this mean for students in Year 7 2025?
· Classes – In Year 7, students are placed in the same class for all subjects. Where possible, students entering year 7 with a native speaking background in French will be placed in the same class. This encourages communication among native speakers not only in language classes but throughout their school day.
· Languages studied – Students complete one semester of French and one semester of Indonesian to develop their language acquisition processes and skills outside of their native language. This aligns with WHS’ values of cultivating global citizens who appreciate and value diverse languages and cultures.
· Course work – In French classes, students’ complete extension activities which mirror the course work (vocabulary /grammar/topic content). These activities focus on advanced vocabulary, grammar and topic content. NOTE: This adheres to the K-10 Modern Languages Syllabus which calls for enrichment and extension of native and background speakers within the classroom.
· Immersion classes – At a cost, native French speaking students can participate in fortnightly immersion classes led by a native French teacher. These classes will focus on developing students’ interacting, reading and comprehension skills while also building the skills necessary for passing the DELF junior examination, should students elect to undertake the DELF Junior.
Lessons will be meaningfully linked to the curriculum across KLAs, broadening students’ vocabulary and supporting their learning.
Note: This adheres to the K-10 Modern Languages Syllabus which outlines that cross-curriculum priorities such as literacy, numeracy, ethical understanding, personal and social capability, intercultural understanding, difference and diversity, civics and citizenship, should be addressed within the context of learning French.
What will this mean for students as they progress through Years 8-10?
· Classes – In Year 8, students elect to continue their French study as their language of choice. Year 8 classes are graded, however, students with a native speaking background will be placed in the top class. In Stage 5, students elect to continue their French study as one of their three electives and all students will be placed in the same elective class.
· Languages studied – In Years 8-10 students continue their French study. Should students be interested in pursuing the study of multiple languages, students have the option to select Indonesian as one of their three electives in addition to French.
Course work – Students complete differentiated work within their timetabled language class which mirrors the work (vocabulary/grammar/topic content) being undertaken in class. The differentiated work will be established by modifying the pace, level, and content of learning and assessment. This differentiation ensures that students are engaged in their learning with more challenging and advanced work. As students’ progress, the differentiated work emphasizes developing exam techniques to assess their readiness for the acceleration of Stage 6 courses.
· Immersion classes – At a cost, students in Year 8 will have the option to continue their participation in the fortnightly Stage 4 immersion classes with a native French teacher. In Years 9 and 10, students can opt into the Stage 5 immersion classes.
What will this mean for students as they progress to Years 11 and 12?
· Students elect to study French Continuers for their HSC.
· The opportunity for HSC acceleration in Stage 5 exists for students who demonstrate readiness for the HSC course. To be eligible for acceleration, students must show advanced knowledge of French curriculum, as well as an ability to respond in English to questions requiring analysis, evaluation and the ability to manipulate abstract ideas. This decision for acceleration will be made on a student-by-student basis, and will consider students’ NAPLAN results, school reports and the teacher’s professional judgement.
· In addition to the French Continuers HSC course, students may also choose to study French Extension, an additional one-unit course, via the NSW School of Languages.
If you are interested in finding out more about this program, including cost or how to apply for out-of-area enrolment, please get in touch with our French Coordinator, Jess Holliday, who will be happy to provide further details. Please contact via email (jess.holliday@det.nsw.edu.au) or call the school office.