The WHS Auxiliary meets once a term (on Tuesday in Week 5) at 9:30 am in the School Common Room (‘A' Block). Notice is given in 'Woolooware News' and all parents/carers are cordially invited to join this group – you will be made most welcome. Social functions are organised by the Auxiliary, the proceeds of which are used to purchase items for the school.
Your attendance at these meetings gives you the opportunity to meet other parents and members of the community, as well as gaining an understanding of the aims and goals of secondary education. School policy is outlined and reports on school activities are presented by the principal and members of staff. Your support of the P&C Association and the WHS Auxiliary, ensures that you are kept aware of school activities, functions and student achievements.
Woolooware Auxiliary manages the second-hand uniform shop, which usually operates each Tuesday from 8:45 to 9:45 am (times are approximate – it is useful to call the school before visiting) in the Multi Purpose Hall. It also operates on special days like the Year 7 Orientation Day.