In Area (local students) – How to apply
From a NSW Government school
The Year 6 to Year 7 transition process has been digitised and Year 6 parents and carers now go online to complete the Expression of Interest (EOI). Primary schools will communicate the transition process with their Year 6 families in Term 1.
From a Non-Government school
Early in Term 1 you will need to contact us to obtain an Expression of Interest form for placement in a NSW Government Secondary School. The completed Expression of Interest form is returned to us.
Accompanying your Expression of Interest form must be documents that:
- Provide proof of your child’s identity (such as Birth Certificate & passport)
- Substantiate the ‘100-point residential address check’ (For example; current Council Rates, Lease Agreements, Gas/Electricity/Water bills* etc). *up to three months old
Non local Students - How to apply
From a NSW Government school
The Year 6 to Year 7 transition process has been digitised and Year 6 parents and carers now go online to complete the Expression of Interest (EOI). Primary schools will communicate the transition process with their Year 6 families the transition process in Term 1.
When completing the online process please select Woolooware High School as Choice 1, 2 or 3. Only Choice 1 applications are completed when offering places in the first round offers.
You also need to complete the a ‘Non-local Application Year 7 2026’ (below) and return this to us by 5 April 2025.
All Non local Applications will be reviewed by a selection panel in Term 2 and offers of placement at Woolooware High School will be made to those students who best meet the enrolment criteria. In Term 2 (late) we will notify you the outcome of your application.
From a Non-Government School
Early in Term 1 you will need to contact us to obtain an Expression of Interest form for placement in a NSW Government Secondary School. The completed Expression of Interest form is returned to us.
Accompanying your Expression of Interest form must be documents that:
- Provide proof of your child’s identity (such as Birth Certificate & passport)
- Substantiate the ‘100-point residential address check’ (For example; current Council Rates, Lease Agreements, Gas/Electricity/Water bills* etc). *up to three months old
You also need to complete the a ‘Non-local Application Year 7 2026’ (below) and return this to us by 5 April 2025.
All Non local Applications will be reviewed by a selection panel in Term 2 and offers of placement at Woolooware High School will be made to those students who best meet the enrolment criteria. In Term 2 (late) we will notify you the outcome of your application.
High Potential and Gifted Extension class – Year 7 2026 (details to follow in Term 1 2025)
Placement in our Extension Class
The test will consist of the following:
- Reading Comprehension
- Written Comprehension
- Mathematics Reasoning
The test is supplied and marked by the Australian Council for Educational Research. HPG&E class placement offers will be based on the test results. A waiting list will be established and additional places will be offered as they become available.
This test is separate to the Department of Education enrolment policy. This test is not part of the enrolment selection criteria, but rather is a class placement process.
Note: Non local students who reside outside of our local area also need to submit an ‘Non local Application Year 7 2026’.
Registering and payment for the test