23 Sep 2022

In early September, Sarah W (School Captain) and Zhina N (SRC President) met at The Gardens on Forest, as Finalists in the Zonta Young Women in Public Affairs Award. The five finalists achieved their recognition after submitting a written submission and attending an interview. As the only school to have two finalists, WHS families and staff were present to witness both young women speak to the audience about their hope for equality of experience in their future.
Zhina achieved a Finalist position and Sarah achieved Runner Up.
Zhina's speech:
What changes would you like to see in your lifetime in relation to women’s lives, freedom, and experience
The right to education.
The right of self- determination.
The right to live free from violence.
These are some of the fundamental rights to which we are all entitled. Both males and females. For centuries powerful women before us have fought for these basic human rights.
Yet, Every. Single. Day, women continue to be let down by society and deprived of the rights all human beings are supposedly entitled to.
I'd like to see AND build a future where our continuous efforts of recognising equality is finally met. Where there is no bias and injustice. Where women don't fear walking to their car alone. Where women don't get stereotyped by how they dress. Where women have the same opportunities and access to education and pay.
When I was about 7, I migrated from Iran. My parents wanted freedom, safety and greater opportunities for me. Women in Iran are still denied the basic human rights to freedom. In the constitution and penal code of Islamic Republic they are subjected to a system of prejudice and discrimination. Their lives are regarded as half as valuable as that of a man.
Unfortunately, discrimination towards women is experienced worldwide. Gender inequality is the root of these problems and is prevalent in today's society. Based soley on sex and gender women are persistantly underminded in the workplace, denied access to education and experience domestic and sexual violence.
Ever since childhood we are presented with the divide of male and females. Boys are stronger, faster and smarter. This ideology continues even in the workplace as we discredit womens abilities and limit their opportunities. Women are encouraged to be ambitious and successful, but not so successful that they maintain positions of authority which could pose a threat to men. But what if we question the premise itself? Why should a woman's success be a threat to a man? For the better of our future we must address these inequalities .
Not only is there an injustice of equality but an unbalanced power dynamic between male and female relationships. About 2 in 3 women have experienced physical and/or sexual violence from an intimate partner. Stop the rhetoric that a woman is crazy or difficult. We need to stop victim blaming and considering women’s fears as irrational. Because what's irrational about a problem that's so prevalent in society today.
So I’d like to see a future with no judgement, a future where women get to choose their path and what’s best for them without the scrutiny of society. A future where women don't fear for their lives. I'd like to see a future where women are treated equally and have the same BASIC human rights.
Sarah's Speech:
I believe women's success should be normalised in academia, sport, business and all aspects of society. Success should be celebrated regardless of gender and instead for the achievement itself. By acknowledging the person rather than the gender, we can generate greater equality and acceptance. In doing so we eliminate the them vs us culture that has been created and instead foster a culture of inclusivity and equal opportunity.
The most powerful way to accomplish such standards is through education, the single largest contributor to change in a person's life and society as a whole. We are lucky in Australia that we have access to free education regardless of gender, however the same, unfortunately can not be said for all women around the world. According to the UN, women make up more than two thirds of the world's 796 million illiterate people, which is an unjust disproportion. Without educated women, society loses the ability to make informed judgements that take into account diverse perspectives. If we ignore the knowledge and experience of either women or men we limit our potential to achieve the best result, we tap into only half of our resources, and ultimately are left with half a solution. If women have access to education they have the potential to become the change agents in our society. They join our educators, our medical professionals, environmentalists and politicians that contribute to the decision making process that in turn help shape our future.
On a personal scale I hope to see an increased representation of women in STEM and increased media coverage and support for womens sport as these are key areas that interest me and that currently have a lack of aegis . Similarly, on a macroscale I hope to see all women strive to achieve their goals free from perceived prejudice and stereotypes, no matter what they may be. I hope to see a future where men and women work cohesively all around the world to achieve common goals of peace, safety and happiness.
Ultimately the change I wish to see in the future is to be here witnessing and celebrating our successes instead of planning them and by supporting each other I truly believe we can do so.