Work Experience:
Work Experience at Woolooware high school is an on demand process. Students over 15 years of age in Years 9, 10, 11 and 12 are able to participate in Work Experience at any time as long as there is no exam or assessment during the period of their Work Experience during the school term.
Students select the Work Experience that they would like to do and contact the Careers Advisor to organise their work experience.
Future Directions
Students and parents are able to make interview times with the Careers advisor to discuss future directions. All students in Year 12 must organise a formal interview with the Careers Advisor during their study periods to explore their options after the HSC.
Parents are welcome to make appointments with the Careers Advisor to discuss subject selection, future directions, TAFE and University Courses at any time. Contact the Careers Advisor by calling the school on 9523-6752.
School to Work Program
Students in Year 9 complete a survey about their future directions and a report is returned to their email address. This report is used to help them consider what they would like to do when they complete their schooling.
Students in Year 10 are directed through the My Future, introduced to The Job Guide.
Years 11 and 12 have the chance to go to University , TAFE and Private Provider Expos where a range of post school options are explored.