Woolooware High School

Strive for Excellence

Telephone02 9523 6752


Social Science

The Social Sciences is a group of academic disciplines that study human aspects of the world. Our philosophy is to be a faculty of excellence where students engage with key Australian and global issues; environmental, commercial, economic, political and social.

In the Social Sciences faculty, we believe our students will be the leaders of the future. This will be both challenging and exciting. It will require students to have sound skill sets of technology, numeracy, literacy, creative thinking, problem solving, teamwork, social justice and the application of values such as respect for others, generosity, inclusiveness and tolerance of difference.

Courses Offered

The Social Sciences Faculty at Woolooware High School teaches the broadest range of subjects.

Stage 4: Year 7 and 8

  • Geography

Stage 5: Year 9 and 10

  • Geography
  • Commerce

Stage 6: Year 11 and 12

  • Business Studies
  • Legal Studies
  • Society and Culture
  • Economics
  • Geography


  • ASX Sharemarket Game
  • Australian Business Studies Competition
  • Australian Economics Competition
  • Australian Geographic Georaphy Competition