Religious Education Policy @WHS
In accordance with DEC guidelines on scripture, our parents/carers are to nominate their religion upon their enrolment to Woolooware High School. Before the SRE classes start, a permission letter is sent to parents giving them an opportunity to change the religious group for their student to attend. These letters are returned to our Scripture coordinator, who currently is Ms Michael (PDHPE faculty).
In years 7-10 students attend Scripture classes every Friday period 5 from weeks 2-9. Scripture is delivered to one year group per term. The terms are as follows:
- Term 1 – Year 10
- Term 2 – Year 9
- Term 3 – Year 8
- Term 4 – Tear 7
Any student who has not elected a religion or the religion they have elected is not offered at Woolooware High School are placed into another class. During these classes, students are asked to complete quiet reading. They will be supervised by a teacher in lieu of missing their class during scripture.
Students will be handed a note at the start of each term. Parents and carers are to fill out the form stating whether they would like their student to attend scripture classes or alternatively opt to do the alternative class.
Class rolls and rooms for scripture lessons are located on the notice board outside of E1.
The scripture coordinators are:
- Jesse Mawson – Christian Scripture Coordinator. Combined Christian SRE is provided by Shire East Area Board. More information about Catholic SRE, including the authorised scope and sequence, please visit the website The approved providers in this combined arrangement are from Anglican, Baptist, Presbyterian, C3 church and Australian Christian Churches.
- Cathy Sammut– Catholic Scripture Coordinator. Catholic SRE is provided by St Aloysius Gomzaga Catholic Parish of Cronulla. More information about Catholic SRE, including the authorised scope and sequence, please visit the website
- Louis Chambers – Orthodox Coordinator. Orthodox SRE is provided by Greek Orthodox SRE from Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia. More information about Catholic SRE, including the authorised scope and sequence, please visit the website – scroll down to Education, NSW Scripture classes. Orthodox SRE covers the many orthodox faiths.